Türk medyasının Çin’e ilgisizliği endişe yaratıyor

Hasan Çapan  Türkiye-Çin Dostluk Vakfı Başkanı ..........................................................................................................................

Turkish media's indifference to China and negative approach at any cost raises concern

Turkish media outlets have come under criticism for their lack of interest in positive news between Turkey and China, or about China in general. While international relations between Turkey and China have historically been cordial, Turkish media often seem to tend to ignore positive developments in Sino-Turkish relations. One main area where this bias is evident is in reporting on economic cooperation between the countries. Bilateral trade between Turkey and China has reached a historic high of over $42 billion, while investments in various sectors such as infrastructure and technology have created opportunities for economic growth and cultural exchange. To name a few, the high-speed train line between Ankara and Istanbul, which was realized with the technical and financial support of Chinese companies, the Tuz Lake natural gas storage facility, numerous hydroelectric facilities and a thermal power plant built entirely with Chinese capital. Likewise, Turkey's manufacturing infrastructure relies heavily on economic Chinese machinery and equipment and Chinese finished and semi-finished products. However, the Turkish media has been criticized for ignoring the positive aspects of this relationship, focusing instead on isolated incidents or negative perceptions. Another notable point is that the Turkish media ignores China's achievements in areas such as science, technology and innovation. China has made significant contributions to global progress, allocating over 400 billion dollars to research and development. From artificial intelligence to space technologies, electric vehicle and battery technologies to smart city management systems, China today leads the world in many areas. However, Turkish media coverage often emphasizes the negative aspects and ignores the positive impacts of China's contributions to various sectors. The lack of positive reporting extends to cultural exchanges and people-to-people connections between Turkey and China. The steady increase in tourism currently observed between the two countries is often overlooked. This results in the neglect of steps that need to be taken to further increase the number of Chinese Tourists and a limited understanding by the Turkish public of the diverse and rich aspects of Chinese culture. However, as an ancient country, China has an enormous cultural richness and has much in common with our culture. Observers claim that this biased reporting is perception operations driven by geopolitical considerations. Critics argue that a more balanced approach by the Turkish media would not only contribute to building a positive public perception, but also increase understanding of the complexity of international relations. You cannot formulate the right policies if you do not understand the other side well. Criticisms of selective reporting should lead to calls for greater journalistic responsibility and ethical reporting. As Turkey continues to strengthen its relationship with China, a more nuanced and comprehensive approach to news reporting will be vital to shaping healthy international relations and promoting better understanding between the two countries. In response to the criticism, we call on some media outlets to offer diversified coverage to provide more balanced coverage of the positive aspects of Sino-Turkish relations. Whether this call for change will lead to a more objective portrayal of China in the Turkish media remains to be seen, but we cannot emphasize enough the importance of impartial reporting in shaping healthy international relations. .............................................................................................................................


  安卡拉,[日期]--土耳其媒体因对土中两国之间或有关中国的正面新闻缺乏兴趣而受到批评。虽然土中两国的国际关系历来友好,但土耳其媒体似乎往往倾向于忽视中土关系的积极发展。 这种偏见主要体现在对两国经济合作的报道上。土耳其与中国的双边贸易额已超过 420 亿美元,达到历史新高,而在基础设施和技术等各领域的投资也为经济增长和文化交流创造了机会。例如,安卡拉和伊斯坦布尔之间的高速列车线路就是在中国公司的技术和资金支持下建成的;图兹湖天然气储存设施、众多水电设施和一座火力发电厂完全由中国资本建造。同样,土耳其的制造业基础设施也在很大程度上依赖于中国的经济型机械设备以及中国的成品和半成品。然而,土耳其媒体却因忽视这种关系的积极方面而备受批评,相反,他们只关注孤立事件或负面看法。 另一个值得注意的问题是,土耳其媒体忽视了中国在科技创新等领域取得的成就。中国为全球进步做出了重大贡献,为研发拨款超过 4000 亿美元。从人工智能到航天技术,从电动汽车和电池技术到智能城市管理系统,中国如今在许多领域都处于世界领先地位。然而,土耳其媒体的报道往往强调消极方面,而忽视了中国在各个领域所做贡献的积极影响。 这种缺乏正面报道的现象还延伸到了土耳其与中国之间的文化交流和人与人之间的联系。目前两国间旅游业的稳步增长往往被忽视。这导致人们忽视了为进一步增加中国游客数量而需要采取的措施,也导致土耳其公众对中国文化的多样性和丰富性了解有限。然而,作为一个古老的国家,中国拥有丰富的文化内涵,与我们的文化有许多共通之处。 观察家们认为,这种有失偏颇的报道是出于地缘政治的考虑。批评者认为,土耳其媒体采取更加平衡的报道方式不仅有助于建立积极的公众认知,还能加深人们对国际关系复杂性的理解。如果不充分了解对方,就无法制定正确的政策。 对选择性报道的批评应促使人们呼吁加强新闻报道的责任感和职业道德。随着土耳其继续加强与中国的关系,更加细致全面的新闻报道方式对于塑造健康的国际关系和促进两国之间的理解至关重要。 作为对批评的回应,我们呼吁一些媒体提供多样化的报道,对中土关系的积极方面进行更加平衡的报道。这一呼吁是否会使土耳其媒体对中国的报道更加客观,我们拭目以待,但我们无论如何强调公正报道对塑造健康国际关系的重要性都不为过。